The Kitemark® for vehicle body repair scheme celebrates its fourth birthday with over 800 bodyshops certified

Press release: Monday 21 February 2011

BSI is delighted to celebrate the fourth birthday of the vehicle body repair Kitemark scheme that has redefined the crash repair industry.

The design of modern motor vehicles is becoming ever more sophisticated, with the increasing use of advanced metallic composites and other leading edge automotive technologies. The industry has had to cope with dramatically expanded use of such materials, to the extent that the average motor vehicle of today now contains no less than 425 different metallic composites.

Therefore the Kitemark scheme for vehicle repair was brought about by the industry as bodyshops wanted to improve quality standards in order to protect the future of the sector and more importantly, to protect the motorist.

UK Assistance ARC in Heywood, AJC Auto Fix in Dagenham and East Bilney Coachworks were the first three licensees that were awarded the prestigious Kitemark certificates on the launch date 21st February 2007.

"Kitemark has been great for setting high standards across our industry"

Christopher Weeks, head of UK Accident Repair Centres commented: “UKAARC decided to apply for the Kitemark as we had been completing the highest quality repairs for years now, but we were looking for independent validation of that fact. Also we were keen to lead the march towards a new level of professionalism within the body repair industry and we believe the Kitemark has succeeded in making that happen.

“Internally our people have really embraced the additional standards and it makes them extremely proud of the great work they do. Externally we have been able to give assurance to our customers that our work meets Kitemark standards and that has resulted in more business for us. Kitemark has been great for setting high standards across our industry. The challenge now is to continue to raise public awareness of the standard such that in future they insist on only using repairers of Kitemark quality.”

Mark Baldwin, partner at East Bilney Coachworks added: “We wanted to demonstrate to our work partners and customers that we work to a recognised and auditable standard. To give confidence that any vehicles placed with us would be repaired according to defined and repeatable processes and procedures. The Kitemark denotes quality and no other symbol in the world is recognised in the same way by consumers when looking for a quality product or service.

“Four years ago we had one site. We now operate from three sites. All three are busy with further expansion plans underway. Kitemark had a large part to play in this. When I first joined our industry my father told me to always surround yourself in quality, staff, equipment, premises and I jumped at the opportunity to add a quality stamp to the whole business courtesy of Kitemark.”

The Kitemark scheme demonstrates the highest standards of safe, quality repair

Claire Lynam, Head of Communications & Alliances EMEA at BSI commented: “The Kitemark is the bodyshop’s proof of their commitment to delivering safe vehicle repairs. it also gives the motorist a way to identify those that will provide the best service. Kitemark bodyshops regularly tell us of the other benefits such as improved business, happier staff and satisfied customers. It is great to know that the Kitemark scheme has had such an impact on the industry for the benefit of bodyshops, motorists and work providers.

Lesley Upham, Director of Commercial Development at Thatcham added: “Thatcham recognise the challenges our insurer members and their repair networks face from new vehicle design and the advanced use of technology and materials. We also recognise the desire by repairers who have invested in equipment and skills training to be able to differentiate themselves in the market to insurers, fleets and the consumer. The Kitemark scheme enables bodyshops to promote their businesses as demonstrating the highest standards of safe, quality repair. The UK repair sector is to be congratulated for showing they are serious about safety.”